On 28th of October 2021, Highrise demonstrated an aluminium Dronestation at the flightshow of Dutch Drone centre Aviolande in Woensdrecht. This new ‘Product of the Future’ has been fabricated in close cooperation with partner Almet Benelux and with the valued support of Rijkswaterstaat, Port of Rotterdam and Province of Zuid-Holland. For the design of the Dronestation, we were able to align views with various operators, amongst which also the participants of the Medical Drone Service.
Last week we had the privilege to receive one of them, the ANWB brought their drone to Almet’s workshop enabling us to shoot this nice ’preview’. A big ‘Thank You’ from us for the appreciated efforts of all involved parties.
‘The future is now!’, although it is hard to predict how long it will be before this type of infrastructure will be a common asset. Anyone dare to share their predicted timeline?